Saturday, August 28, 2010


So I have invaded the world of Facebook. If anyone actually reads this you can find me on Facebook as Moofie Nonya. Just wanted to let everyone know.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things looking up!

It has taken me forever to get to the point where I can finally sit down and start stringing sections of my story together, but I am finally getting there! Some of my side writings are stringing just fine, but my main work just kept meanering. The plot is comming well, if you consider fifty million paper scraps and five million little typed bits, finally coming together in what resembles a plot line.

Today I had an interview for a job! I am excited about that, because I have been unemployed for almost nine months. While I enjoyed the unemployment for writing purposes things like eating were getting more difficult. While we did have enough saved back to go on our trip to Colorado that streached things a little to far financially.

Things are finally starting to come together! With my job prospects and with my writing. I am so excited! Hopefully we will be in a new place soon so that we can have our animals back. I miss my lap warmers and purring inspriations, Master Fu Mahn Chu and Skylar. Not to mention my groaning foot warmer and creative critic (yes, my master of glares, dirty looks, and heart melting 'why did you do this to me') Joey Dog (if my grandparents will give him back, there have been numerous arguments over whose dog he really is).

Things are looking up!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life outta left field

Sometimes life hits you outta left field. I just got back from a vacation and things weren't wonderful (makes me wonder why we take vacations) but I thought they were better than they turned out. It also makes me reflect on my friends. My cousins said some things to me over the internet that one of my friends decided to 'defend' me over. My cousins had every right to say whatever they wanted, but I didn't know any of this was going on because it was all over the internet and I don't happen to have internet at my home. So I logged on at a friends house the day that things got worse.

Death threats to my cousin are not something that I agree with in any event, let alone because it was over something my cousin had every right to say. Needless to say I am not in a very bubbly mood and am still trying to figure out who did it. Which is easier said than done without an ISP address, because you can make ghost accounts on the internet, it is incredibly easy to do. I should know I used to do it when I was younger to do Online Role Play, and anyone with half a brain can accomplish it.

So anyone have any suggestions? I am at a loss as to find out who did this...

Like I said, life outta left field....