Monday, December 13, 2010

Life is just wonderful....really...

Okay, I don't think that people who know me will believe that is not sarcastic.  Things are going okay, I've just been busy.  I have a new job, lost every single piece of writing on my computer, have new furniture, and that's about it.  I stopped writing for awhile because I was pissed that everything got lost.  I've only just started writing again and it is a story that I wrote back in middle school.  Keep in mind a more grown-up and updated version of the tale.  If anyone has any advice on how to find an editor and publisher and what not I would greatly apperciate it. 

So the story of the smallest dragon is underway.  Wagontrack Roadkill the Small.  Hopefully people are honest enough to not steal his name from me.  I would glare at people reading the blog but as it is impossible to do through a computer you must take my words for truth and imagine me glaring at you right now.  I've set aside my other works for now, simply because I have to back track through my chest of horrors to even get an idea of where I was.

Yes, my trunk of horrors.  I have a steamer trunk at the base of my bed that is filled with note books, sketch books, folders, and scraps of paper that I have filled with writing for the past 16 years.  I call it the trunk of horror because if you can imagine opening it up and papers falling out then you get my filing system.  I really should be more organized, but when I'm in the mood it feels like a treasure hunt.  Unfortunately I haven't been in the mood for the last three months since I lost everything.  I will try to post a short story that I have been working on.  I wrote it once before but I decided to revise it a little.  Be warned that if I do get it posted on here that you must understand this is the way that I look at the world...sorta.  You'll understand if you wind up reading it.  We'll see if it'll post, it's going to be a little over ten to fifteen you may just get it in increments if there is anyone out there who is actually reading this.

So, I guess that has been the last few months in a nutshell for me.  Other than a random severe case of hives that I have been living with the last three weeks.  Hives sucks.  Anywho, I gotta get off of here and go finish cleaning my kitchen.  No rest for the weary.

~The Moofie~

Saturday, October 23, 2010

*beats her head against a wall*

As I stand here beating my head against a wall and calling myself thirty kinds of stupid let me fill you in on my week.  After I recovered from Pneumonia  and got back to my job (which are the two reasons why I haven't posted anything here for a while), my computer started acting strange.  This week it crashed, two days ago actually.  I lost everything, all of my writing, all of my pictures, everything.  Who was the genius who forgot to back up her files....that would be ME!!!  So now I have to go from memory...because I didn't even have my hard copy printed.  So now I have to start all over.  It's a fracken wonderful life right now!

But on a happier note, I now have a puppy!!  His name is Eli and even though we bought him for Momma he has chosen me!  I guess that's all for now, I will be back here in a little bit to type in more. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

TV's there to make you feel bad!

Okay, I am sitting here with butterflies in my stomach and upset. Stupid 'What Would You Do?'. I just want to jump through the TV and strangle some people for not stepping up and doing something, but then the stupid show makes me think if I would actually say something. URGH I won't know until it happens to me, but then it makes me worry that I won't do something when the inside of me is screaming.

And now I am watching the Barbra Walters special about the kids who are 7 years old and their bodies are 70...sometimes I think I just need to unplug.

Anyway, there should be more of me posting online now that I finally have internet at my home, if Mom will let me on it sometimes. She is more addicted to the internet than I am, I just hope that she remembers how to use it. Last time she got infront of a computer she had no idea what she was doing and it made me so sad because she was really adept at it before. Her memory seems like it is going faster now that it has been in the last year. It's to be expected with her disease, but it still hurts everytime she makes a strange comment. An example of that was the other day when we were bickering. She said that I got the money out of her jeans in the bathroom, I told her I got them out of the jeans in the kitchen (where our laundry was sorted at the time) not the bathroom, and she gave me a strange look and said that she didn't say bathroom she said laundry room. Conversations like this have happened two or three times (including the one above) in the last couple of weeks.

My friends keep asking me how much longer I am going to be able to take Mom. I wish that they understood that it isn't a matter of 'taking' her. It is not only my duty as a daughter, I know my mother better than anyone (including her own mother...don't get me started on my grandmother) and I know how she reacts to people. My mother has never been a stranger person, she's nice to people but she can't be alone or around strangers for long periods of time. Sorry for this post to get so serious, when I get upset I bounce from topic to topic.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


So I have invaded the world of Facebook. If anyone actually reads this you can find me on Facebook as Moofie Nonya. Just wanted to let everyone know.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things looking up!

It has taken me forever to get to the point where I can finally sit down and start stringing sections of my story together, but I am finally getting there! Some of my side writings are stringing just fine, but my main work just kept meanering. The plot is comming well, if you consider fifty million paper scraps and five million little typed bits, finally coming together in what resembles a plot line.

Today I had an interview for a job! I am excited about that, because I have been unemployed for almost nine months. While I enjoyed the unemployment for writing purposes things like eating were getting more difficult. While we did have enough saved back to go on our trip to Colorado that streached things a little to far financially.

Things are finally starting to come together! With my job prospects and with my writing. I am so excited! Hopefully we will be in a new place soon so that we can have our animals back. I miss my lap warmers and purring inspriations, Master Fu Mahn Chu and Skylar. Not to mention my groaning foot warmer and creative critic (yes, my master of glares, dirty looks, and heart melting 'why did you do this to me') Joey Dog (if my grandparents will give him back, there have been numerous arguments over whose dog he really is).

Things are looking up!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life outta left field

Sometimes life hits you outta left field. I just got back from a vacation and things weren't wonderful (makes me wonder why we take vacations) but I thought they were better than they turned out. It also makes me reflect on my friends. My cousins said some things to me over the internet that one of my friends decided to 'defend' me over. My cousins had every right to say whatever they wanted, but I didn't know any of this was going on because it was all over the internet and I don't happen to have internet at my home. So I logged on at a friends house the day that things got worse.

Death threats to my cousin are not something that I agree with in any event, let alone because it was over something my cousin had every right to say. Needless to say I am not in a very bubbly mood and am still trying to figure out who did it. Which is easier said than done without an ISP address, because you can make ghost accounts on the internet, it is incredibly easy to do. I should know I used to do it when I was younger to do Online Role Play, and anyone with half a brain can accomplish it.

So anyone have any suggestions? I am at a loss as to find out who did this...

Like I said, life outta left field....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So I am working for my mom right now. She needs some creative help on her poetry book that she is putting together. Unfortunately this means that all of my stuff gets put on hold, but I can't blame her. She really needs the help. Because of her Disease she is not who she used to be, so going through all of her poetry is getting her down. I can't even imagine how hard this is on her. But I am going to try and get some more writing done.

Ah, well, what can you do, you have to take what life throws at you. Grin and go along with it, it makes life easier. I just wish that I could figure out why I have been in such a bad mood recently. I know it's not because I am helping mom, and it is only partly because I can't get the stories out of my head and on to paper/computer. I really have no inkling of an idea why I have been so warpish. Ah well.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcome to my treehouse

Hmm...what to post on a blog. I could say here as an introduction that I have never really 'blogged' before. I guess that it is a day for new things. Ah well, so who am I? I am The Moofie, yes, The Moofie. At least that is what some of my friends call me. I had one to many characters whilst playing D&D who bore that name, so it stuck. I am a non-published writer, I am working on taking the 'non' off the whole published thing. It would be wonderful, but as of yet I still haven't gotten that taken care of.

So I guess that is me in a nutshell. Now I am off to go finish the laundry, sweep the house, straighten the table. The bathroom is finished, but other household things are calling my name. As much as I like writing to noware my house needs some TLC.


~The Moofie~