Saturday, November 19, 2011

Murphy's Law

It never ceases to amaze me how much Murphy's Law affects us. This week alone has been one thing after another. First I was supposed to go get the test done and couldn't get it off work. Even though I had more than a months notice my boss wouldn't give me the day off. Yes there are only three people who work at my job, but it wasn't even on a busy day. Well, five people work there total if you count the bosses. But hey, I can't complain to much because I make good money and I can't afford to loose the Job.

Then I find out that my grandmother is in the hospital. She apparently had a hurnia and made it worse. The woman is 86-years-old and thought that lifting heavy things was a good idea. So I got that good news. Then I got four phone calls while I was trying to take a bath. On four different days.

Then I had to tell one of my childhood friends that my mom was sick and dying. Because we haven't talked in years. FUN FREAKIN FUN FUN!

So welcome to my life.....