Monday, December 13, 2010

Life is just wonderful....really...

Okay, I don't think that people who know me will believe that is not sarcastic.  Things are going okay, I've just been busy.  I have a new job, lost every single piece of writing on my computer, have new furniture, and that's about it.  I stopped writing for awhile because I was pissed that everything got lost.  I've only just started writing again and it is a story that I wrote back in middle school.  Keep in mind a more grown-up and updated version of the tale.  If anyone has any advice on how to find an editor and publisher and what not I would greatly apperciate it. 

So the story of the smallest dragon is underway.  Wagontrack Roadkill the Small.  Hopefully people are honest enough to not steal his name from me.  I would glare at people reading the blog but as it is impossible to do through a computer you must take my words for truth and imagine me glaring at you right now.  I've set aside my other works for now, simply because I have to back track through my chest of horrors to even get an idea of where I was.

Yes, my trunk of horrors.  I have a steamer trunk at the base of my bed that is filled with note books, sketch books, folders, and scraps of paper that I have filled with writing for the past 16 years.  I call it the trunk of horror because if you can imagine opening it up and papers falling out then you get my filing system.  I really should be more organized, but when I'm in the mood it feels like a treasure hunt.  Unfortunately I haven't been in the mood for the last three months since I lost everything.  I will try to post a short story that I have been working on.  I wrote it once before but I decided to revise it a little.  Be warned that if I do get it posted on here that you must understand this is the way that I look at the world...sorta.  You'll understand if you wind up reading it.  We'll see if it'll post, it's going to be a little over ten to fifteen you may just get it in increments if there is anyone out there who is actually reading this.

So, I guess that has been the last few months in a nutshell for me.  Other than a random severe case of hives that I have been living with the last three weeks.  Hives sucks.  Anywho, I gotta get off of here and go finish cleaning my kitchen.  No rest for the weary.

~The Moofie~