Saturday, October 23, 2010

*beats her head against a wall*

As I stand here beating my head against a wall and calling myself thirty kinds of stupid let me fill you in on my week.  After I recovered from Pneumonia  and got back to my job (which are the two reasons why I haven't posted anything here for a while), my computer started acting strange.  This week it crashed, two days ago actually.  I lost everything, all of my writing, all of my pictures, everything.  Who was the genius who forgot to back up her files....that would be ME!!!  So now I have to go from memory...because I didn't even have my hard copy printed.  So now I have to start all over.  It's a fracken wonderful life right now!

But on a happier note, I now have a puppy!!  His name is Eli and even though we bought him for Momma he has chosen me!  I guess that's all for now, I will be back here in a little bit to type in more.